

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang said that the Government is conducting many solutions to support Vietnamese businesses and foreign investors in the current pandemic.


The Government has set up a special working group to handle problems and difficulties of enterprises and issued many resolutions and policies to support enterprises, cooperatives and business households in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

She said the Government always listens, shares and creates all convenient conditions to support businesses and foreign investors as much as possible; helps them remove difficulties and creates a new normal environment in order to restore production and business activities as soon as possible, in accordance with the motto of not disrupting production and supply chains, ensuring smooth circulation of goods across the country, abolishing and not promulgating inappropriate regulations by localities.


As of September 20, foreign investment into Vietnam had reached USD 22.15 billion, up 4.4% over the same period last year. In which, there are 1,200 newly registered capital FDI projects, with a total registered capital of USD 12.5 billion. Although it decreased by 37.8% in the number of projects, but increased by 20.6% in the total registered capital over the same period last year.

Tư vấn - Hỗ trợ

Tư vấn - Hỗ trợ

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